Frequently asked Questions

Who is STI?

Sport Teknologi Indonesia is a sport and technology company that focuses on building sports infrastructure and technology for a complete international standard field of play. We build by request and customization from our clients because every client has different needs.

What type of business that is suitable to partner with STI?

We work will all kinds of businesses, from private schools, hospitals, daycare to the family business.

Are you serving nation wide?

Yes, we do serve nation wide. Any client from all parts of Indonesia.

Do you have any portfolio from actual projects?

We do have! to name a few: Baseball and Softball field of play for PON 2021 PAPUA and Jakarta International School activities field.

Send Us a Message About Your Questions

Ask anything here instead. Our team will get back to you within 24 hours at maximum.

Contact us
Monday – Saturday 08:30 – 17:00 WIB

    Come Drop Us a Visit!

    PT. Sport Teknologi Indonesia

    Ruko Emerald, Summarecon Bekasi
    Jalan. Bulevar Selatan Blok UG No.15
    Bekasi Utara, West Java 17142

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